2008 Meeting

The 2008 Western Forest Economists 43rd Annual Meeting took place May 5-7, 2008, in Welches, Oregon at the Resort at the Mountain. Below are the meeting presentations sorted by author.

2008 Meeting Agenda

2008 Presentations:

Forestry’s Role in Climate Change Policy; Economics, Science, and Agendas
Adrian Miller

An updated view of the demand for forest products in Alaska – A better understanding of the products and markets for Alaska producers
Allen M. Brackley

WWPA 2008-11 Lumber Demand & Supply Forecast
Kevin Binam

Update on the BLM/FS Southwestern Oregon Interagency Biomass Utilization Strategy
Blair Moody

Discount Rates in Forestland Markets
Bret P. Vicary

Washington Mill Survey: Overview and Analyses
Dorian Smith

Revising FRCS to Update the “Billion Tons of Biomass” Study
Dennis P. Dykstra

Potential Trade-offs between Carbon Sequestration and Timber Harvest on U.S. Public Timberlands
Eun Ho Im, Darius Adams, Greg Latta

Owning the Externality: Why Forests Should be Put Under the Carbon Cap
Guy Robertson

Trade Issues and Trends: What’s Changing
Dr. Ivan Eastin

Timberland Models and HBU
Jack Lutz

High-Energy Timberland Investments
Jack Lutz

Modeling land use change and carbon
Jeff Kline

Links to Forest Legacy and Other Broad oad Scale Programs and Policies
Jim Cathcart

Policy Design for Biofuel Markets: WFE 2008 Fueling Change and Changing Fuels
Jonathan Yoder

The Outlook for Timber Markets
Keith Balter

Forest‐mill integration: a transaction cost perspective
Kurt Niquidet and Glen O’Kelly

Regional log market integration in New Zealand
Kurt Niquidet and Glen O’Kelly

Growing Forest Clusters in Western Oregon
Gary Lettman

Oregon’s Choices: forestland use changes
Gary Lettman

An empirical examination of growth in BC secondary wood manufacturing industry since 1990
Lili Sun and Brad Stennes

Changes in International Markets for Red Alder
Lisa K. Crone

Coastal Forest Sector and Government Response
Lois McNabb

Biomass Energy Economics
John R. Martin

Forest Sector Research in Canada
Alec McBeath, Brian Peter, Brad Stennes

Eastside Forest Biomass Availability and Accessibility
Elaine Oneil, PhD.

Washington State Legislature’s Initiative to Acquire Forest Lands at Risk of Conversion
Phil Aust

Only You Can Prevent Wildfires? The Effectiveness of Policy to Induce Risk Mitigating Expenditures
Tyler Prante, Michael L. Jones, Joseph M. Little, Michael McKee, Robert P. Berrens

Multi-Objective Optimization to Auction Forest Ecosystem Services
Sándor F. Tóth

Non-timber forest products, common pool resources and the role of the state: an intervention model…?
Sinclair Tedder

Implementation of fire hazard reduction treatments: A tale of two forests
Gary Snider and Alex Finkral

The Wood Products Industry in Southeast Alaska
Susan J. Alexander

Victor P. Musselman

Pacific Northwest Woodchip Market
Rick Williams

The Economic Analysis of Biomass Utilization Introduce the BioSum Tool
Xiaoping Zhou, Jeremy Fried and Jamie Barbour

Aboveground Live Tree Carbon Calculation Comparison Using Jenkins and Local Equations
Xiaoping Zhou and Jeremy Fried

Small Forest Landowner Attitudes Towards Timber Harvesting And Financial Return
Kevin Zobrist

The “Economagic” Forest Finance Web Learning Module
Kevin Zobrist