The 2010 Western Forest Economists Annual Meeting took place on May 3-5, 2010, in Welches, Oregon at the Resort at the Mountain. Below are the meeting presentations sorted by author. 2010 Meeting Agenda
2010 Presentations:
Regional Impacts of a National Program for Forest Carbon Offset Sales
Darius Adams, Ralph Alig, Gregory Latta, Eric White
Timber in Southeast Alaska: Moving into an Uncertain Future
Susan J. Alexander
Stumpage Market Integration for National Forest Timber in the Western U.S.
Jean Daniels
Ecosystem services as a planning framework for management of public lands: the Deschutes National Forest project
Robert Deal, Nikola Smith, Jeff Kline, Dale Blahna, Tom Spies, Trista Patterson, John Allen, Cindy Glick
Carbon Market Development an Aggregator’s Perspective
David Ford
Expected Returns from Idaho’s Forested State Trust Lands
David Groeschl
The Expense of Biodiversity to Ranchers: Incorporating Opportunity Cost into Wolf Conservation Policy
Jane Harrison and Yohan Lee
Nancy Hirsch
Forestlands in the Trust Portfolio
Jordan Larson
Forest Carbon Models Used in Evolution of the Economic Impact of HR. 2452 and S. 1733
Greg Latta
Models to Improve the Effectiveness of Initial Attack on Wildland Fires
Mr. Yohan Lee* With Dr. H. J. Albers, Dr. J. S. Fried, and Dr. R. G. Haight
Returns to Forest Trust Lands: Oregon State Forests
Gary Lettman
Beyond Compliance: A Marketplace for Ecosystem Services
Bartholomew “Mac” Martin
Wolfgang Ortloff
What is a Carbon Credit?
John Perez-Garcia
The Economics of Mountain Pine Beetle Range Expansion and Control
Brian Peter
Real Options Valuation of Carbon Sequestration Opportunities in PNW
Stanislav Petrasek
Log Lengths and Cutting Patterns for Timber Valuation
Steve Pilkerton, John Sessions, and Loren Kellogg
Oregon’s Economic Outlook (and a peek at its neighbors)
Tom Potiowsky
Potenial for Fast-Growth Popular Plantations for Cellulosic Ethanol Production – A Life Style Approach
Catalin Ristea, Thomas Maness
The Human Dimensions of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest
William G. Robbins
WFE 2010
Guy Robertson
Effects of Renewable Energy Incentives on Forest Products Markets
Olaf Schwab
A Comparative Analysis of Canada’s Forest Sector Tax Competitiveness
Lili Sun, Brad Stennes and Cameron Stonestreet Presented by Alec McBeath
Ecosystem Service Markets: Potential and Pitfalls
Sara Vickerman
Non-employment Income in Rural Canadian Communities
Bill White, Milap Petigara, Mike Patriquin
Regional Land Use Conversion in the Context of Using Biomass for Energy
Eric M. White, Ralph J. Alig, Greg Latta, Darius Adams