The 2006 Western Forest Economists Annual Meeting took place on May 1-3, 2006, in Welches, Oregon at the Resort at the Mountain. Below are the meeting presentations sorted by author.
2006 Presentations:
A New Look at Private Timber Supply in the Douglas-fir Region
Darius M. Adams, Gregory S. Latta
IMPLAN Version 3
Gregory S. Alward
Can hybrid poplar save industrial forestry in Canada’s boreal forest?: A financial analysis and policy considerations
Jay A. Anderson and Martin K. Luckert
Forest Ownership Changes and Parcelization: A National Perspective
Brett J. Butler
Assessing Risk and Asset Prominence within a Portfolio of Timberland Investments
Tony Cascio, Ph.D. candidate, Mike Clutter, Ph.D.
National Forests on the Edge a Forest on the Edge Study
Sara J. Comas
Ownership Patterns and Riparian Functions: Economic Implications for Protection Strategies
Justina Harris
Technical Efficiency & Productivity Growth in the Northwest Sawmill Industry
Ted Helvoigt
Development effects in eastern Oregon forests
Jeff Kline
Incentives for Ex Ante wildfire risk mitigation in the wildland-urban interface: The relationship between contingent wildfire insurance and fuel management subsidies
Mariam Lankoande, PhD, Jonathan Yoder, PhD Phil Wandschneider, PhD
Ballot Measure 37: The End of Land Use Planning on Forest Land in Oregon?
Gary Lettman
Ballot Measure 37: The End of Land Use Planning on Forest Land in Oregon?
Jingjing Liang, Joseph Buongiorno, and Robert A. Monserud
Forest Fuels Reductions and Biomass-to: energy or fossil intensive products?
Bruce Lippke
Carbon and Fire Risk: Alternative Treatments and the Probability of Fire
Bruce Lippke, Jeffrey Comnick
Investing in the avoidance of future costs by reducing fire risks: Do economists not get it?
Bruce Lippke
Forest Biomass to Energy in Oregon:the Stars are Aligned
Roger Lord
An Approach to Policy Analysis Under Complex Demands
Pam Overhulser
Developing an Agenda for Economic Clusters Research
Thomas D. Rojas
Valuing Oregon’s Forestland For Taxation
Bill Schuette
Timber Supply Shocks: Economic Impacts and Policy Formulation
Olaf Schwab
Estimating Woody Biomass Supply from Treatments to Reduce Fire Hazard in the U.S. West
Ken Skog
Does Timberland Ownership Change Mean Land Use Change? A TIMO Perspective
Jim Stevens
Modeling Home Survival on the Wildland Urban Interface: A Mitigation Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Keith D. Stockmann
An International Comparative Analysis of Canada’s Forest Sector Tax Competitiveness
Cameron Stonestreet, Lili Sun and Brad Stennes
Property rights and the allocation of common pool resources: Non-timber forest products on public land in BC
Sinclair Tedder
The Role of Conservation Easements and Wood Supply Agreements in Shaping Landscape Change
Bret Vicary, Ph.D., MAI
Linking Forests and Economic Wellbeing: A Four-Quadrant Approach
Sen Wang, C. Tyler DesRoches, Brad Stennes, Bill Wilson, G. Cornelis van Kooten
Bugs and People: Social Scientists’ Role in Forest Health Research
Bill White
Forest Decision-Making Under Risk: Uneven-aged management of loblolly pine/hardwood forests
Mo Zhou & Joseph Buongiorno
Economic Implications of New Water Typing Rules in Western Washington
Bruce Lippke, Kevin Ceder and Kevin Zobrist RTI/UW and Kernen Lien, Community Development Lewis County