The Western Forest Economists 49th Annual Meeting took place on May 18-20, 2014 in Missoula, Montana.
2014 Presentations:
A Data Driven System for Estimating Minimum Stump-to-Mill Costs for Forest Restoration
Robert Ahl, PhD and Keith Stockmann, PhD, Krista Gebert, Steve Brown, Renate Bush
Economic Evaluation of Alternative Wildfire Management Strategies
Kevin Barnett, Tyron J. Venn
Applications of Graph Theory to Optimize Wildlife Corridor Systems for Multiple Species: Grizzly Bear and Wolverines in the Northern Rockies
Bistra Dilkina, Claire Montgomery & Rachel Houtman, Carla Gomes & Roman Le Bras & Yexiang Xue, Michael Schwartz & Kevin McKelvey
Developing an Analytical Framework for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Forest Fuel Treatment Projects in Placer County, California
David Saah, Ph.D Timothy Robards, Ph.D. Tadashi Moody Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Max Moritz, Ph.D., Matt Hurteau, Ph.D., Jason Moghaddas, Thomas Buchholz, Ph.D.
Optimizing Timber and Carbon Revenue under Uncertainty – Tool Development for Large Property Owners
Thomas Buchholz, Charles Kerchner, John Gunn, William van Doren, David Saah
Risk Assesment and Economic Research Supporting US Wildfire Management
Dave Calkin, Co-authors: Matt Thompson, Mark Finney, Jessica Haas, and Alan Ager
Modeling Increased Supply and Emerging Technologies in the Forest Products Industry in the Pacific Northwest
Mindy Crandall, Darius Adams, Claire Montgomery
Developing Western Logging Costs as a Basis for Western Logging Cost Indices
Beth Dodson, Steve Hayes, Todd Morgan, Dale Greene, Shawn Baker
A Closer Look at Drought Conditions and Wildland Fire Suppression Expenditures in California
Charlotte Ham
The Influence of Incident Management Teams on Suppression Resource Use
Michael S. Hand, RMRS, Co-authors: Hari Katuwal, UMT College of Forestry, David E. Calkin, RMRS
Critical Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Species: How Should the Economic Costs be Evaluated?
Ted L. Helvoigt
Valuing Type and Scope of Conservation: A Meta-Analysis
Evan E. Hjerpe, Ph.D.
The Effects of Information Framing on Willingness-to-pay for a Wildfire Management Program to Reduce Wildfire Risks in a Contingent Valuation Survey
Hari Katuwal, Tyron J. Venn, Travis Paveglio
Economic Sustainability: A Discussion on Indicators and Measures
Kawa Ng
Suppression Effectiveness for Large Wildland Fire Suppression Effort
Hari Katuwal
Leveraging Research In The Process Of Budgeting For Wildfire
Mark Lichtenstein
Economic Analysis Needs under the USFS 2012 Land Management Planning Rule
Karen Liu
Analyzing Fire Suppression Crew Production, Efficiency, and Composition on Large Wildland Fires
Kate Marcille
Analyzing Fire Suppression Crew Production, Efficiency, and Composition on Large Wildland Fires
Chelsea P. McIver
Ecosystem Services and their Contribution to Sustainability
Chris Miller and Kawa Ng
Benefits of Land Acquisitions: A Screening–level Analysis
Chris Miller and Kawa Ng (EMC); Vickey Eubank (TEAMS); and Nancy Parachini (Lands and Realty)
Cost of Forest Service Litigation: a Montana Case Study
Todd A. Morgan, CF
The Effect of Large Wildland Fires on Local Labor Markets: Empirical Evidence from the Western US
Max NielsenMax Nielsen-Pincus
Simulation of Residential Wildfire Risk for Flathead County, Montana
Tony Prato, University of Missouri, Travis Paveglio, University of Idaho, Tyron Venn, University of Montana, Keith Stockmann, USDA Forest Service
Timberland Appraisals and Fire Damages: Moonlight Fire Case Study
Mark Rasmussen
Putting the Puzzle Together: Frass
William E. Schlosser, Ph.D.
Financial Puzzle of Timber Price Predictions
William E. Schlosser, Ph.D.
Harvested Wood Product Carbon Storage Estimates for All Regions of the National Forest System from Inception to 2012
Keith Stockmann, Ph.D.
Characterizing Large Airtanker Use in U.S. Fire Management
Crystal Stonesifer, Matt Thompson, Dave Calkin, Chuck McHugh
Intervention on U.S. Bedroom Furniture Imports: Lessons and Challenges
Changyou Sun
SOFEW, ISFRE, WFE, and Beyond: Building Stronger Bonds among Forest Economists
Edwin Sun
Adapting to Climate Change – Reducing risk through diversity Examples for the Merritt TSA
Caren Dymond, Sinclair Tedder, Dave Spittlehouse, Brian Raymer, Kathy Hopkins, Katherine McCallion, Amy Law, James Sandland
Modeling fuel treatment impacts on Suppression Costs: Where are we?
Matthew P Thompson
Socio-Economic Evaluation of Thermal Energy Generated from Woody Biomass and Fossil Fuels
Tyron Venn, Daniel Loeffler, and Greg Jones
The Estimated Economic Contribution of National Forests and Grasslands to Local Communities
US West Coast Log/Lumber Export and its Implications
Xiaoping Zhou