The 2012 Western Forest Economists Annual Meeting took place on June 10-12, 2012 in Newport, Oregon. Below are the meeting presentations sorted by author.
2012 Presentations:
Forest Biomass and Bioenergy: Opportunities and Constraints in the Northeastern United States
Thomas Buchholz, Charles Canham, Stephen Hamburg
Evaluating the Response of Land Use and Forest Management in Western Oregon to a Carbon Offset Sales Policy
Greg Latta, Kathleen Bell, Darius Adams, Jeff Klein
Forest Economics: How We Got Here and Where We Are Heading
Greg Latta, Kathleen Bell, Darius Adams, Jeff Klein
Quantifying the Potential Impacts of Fuel Treatments on Wildfire Suppression Costs
Krista Gebert
A Spatial Decision Framework for Cost Effective Invasive Species Management
Kim Hall
Valuation Uncertainty in an Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Assessment
Kenneth Lyons
Equilibrium Policy Gradients for Spatiotemporal Planning
Mark Crowley, Ph.D.
Assessing the Keys and Barriers to Success in the Value-Added Forest Products Sector
Philip Grace
Productivity Analysis of Silvicultural Treatments on Vancouver Island, a case study
Victor Nery
Accounting Framework for Biogenic CO2 Emissions
Sara Ohrel
Linking Biometrics with Economics to Sell Forest Ecosystem Services
Sandor F. Toth
Biometrics and Economics
David K. Walters, PhD
Adding Biofuel and Bioengery Feedstock Options to Regional Forest Products Models
Sijia Zhang J. Keith Gilless William Stewart