2011 Meeting

The 2011 Western Forest Economists Annual Meeting took place on May 10-12, 2011, in Welches, Oregon. Below are the meeting presentations sorted by author.

2011 Meeting Agenda

2011 Presentations:

Potential Carbon Sequestration on Public and Private Timberlands in the United States: Results of Modeling Studies
Darius M. Adams

Biomass Power: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Challenges
Roy Anderson, Ph.D.

A Survival Analysis of Wildfire Outcomes
Jude Bayham and Jonathan Yoder

Midterm Outlook for Canadian Pulps and Paper Sector: 2011-2020
Bryan Bogdanski

Forest-Based Jobs, Again: What Can We Learn from the 2009 Recovery Act?
Susan Charnley

Restoration and Economics Along the Gradient
Jean Daniels

Trends in Trade
Jean Daniels

Carbon Sequestration Potential of the Elliott State Forest Under Different Management Scenarios
Brent Davies

Climate Change Strategy for the Pacific Northwest Region, USDA Forest Service
Tom DeMeo

Forest Roads and NPDES

Letting Wildfires Burn: Modeling the change in future suppression costs as the result of a suppress versus a let-burn management choice
Rachel M. Houtman

Long-range U.S. Timber market projects (2020-2060) based on USFPM/GFPM model and alternative global scenarios
Peter J. Ince, Andrew D. Kramp, Kenneth E. Skog, Henry N. Spelter, David N. Wear 

Policy Developments Supporting Forest-based Economies
Jay O’Laughlin, PhD

The “Great Recession” and the Forest Products Industry in the West
Charles E. Keegan

Incorporating Rural Community Characteristics into Landscape-Level Fuel Reduction Treatment Decisions
Claire Montgomery, Jane Harrison, Mindy Crandall, Ellen Donoghue

BC Big Picture
Harry Nelson

Health Benefits from Wood interiors in Hospitals
Anders Nyrud, Tina Bringslimark, Kristian Bysheim

Policy Developments Influencing Oregon’s Forest-Based Economy

Western Timberland Market Trends
Mark Rasmussen

Private vs. Public Provision of Forest Ecosystem Service: A Discrete Choice Analysis
Gabrielle Roesch

Financial Feasibility of Fast Pyrolysis Plants in SW Oregon Using Forest Residues as Feedstock
Colin B. Sorenson

California: We Import Wood Products and Export Bad Forest Policy
Bill Stewart

Harvested Wood Product Carbon Sequestration in the US Forest Service, Northern Region 1906-2010
Keith Stockmann (R1), Nate Anderson (RMRS), Sean Healey (FIA), Ken Skog (FPL), Dan Loeffler (UM), Greg Jones (RMRS), James Morrison (R1), and Krista Gebert (R1)

Coss Laminated Timber: The Market Opportunities in North America
Ben Toosi